Constitution and By-Laws of the Brandywine Chapter of P.I.A.A. Basketball Officials
March 6, 2012
The name of this organization shall be the BRANDYWINE CHAPTER OF P.I.A.A. BASKETBALL OFFICIALS.
Section 1 – To study appropriate rules and to discuss their intent for uniform interpretations and to progressively improve the quality of athletic officiating through the study of approved techniques.
Section 2 – To establish, promote and maintain a code of officiating ethics and to conduct each athletic contest as an instrumentality in the development of character, good sportsmanship, and a high type of American Citizenship.
Section 3 – To cooperate with the appropriate National Rules making body in the advancement of basketball as a recognized and wholesome form of physical development and recreation.
Section 1 – All basketball officials are eligible for membership
Section 2 – Membership is open to all persons regardless of race, color, creed, or sex.
Section 3 – Honorary membership may be granted by order of the Executive Committee of this organization to any official who voluntarily cease to be an active official, provided he/she has served a minimum of twenty years as an active official.
Section 1 – Fees for individual members payable to the Treasurer of the Chapter by the INTERPRETATION MEETING will be as follows:
a. Annual Chapter Operational Dues $30.00
b. Annual Chapter Banquet Dues $25.00
Section 2 – Additional assessments, if any, for legitimate Chapter Operating Expenses may be made with the consent of a simple majority of all members.
Section 1 – The Officers of this organization will consist of president, vice-president, interpreter, secretary and treasurer.
Section 2 – The Executive Committee will consist of all Officers and two elected at large members
Section 3 – The term of office of each officer shall be for ONE YEAR. The term of the Executive Committee will be for ONE YEAR.
Section 4 – The duties of each officer shall be pertinent to the office and ordinarily performed by each officer, or as may be directed by the President of the Organization.
Section 5 – Elections will be held on noon of the last day of the Annual Chapter Meeting. Voting will occur every year. Executive Committee will handle the nominations. The newly elected officers shall begin their duties July 1st of that year. Electronic Voting will be permitted.
Section 6 – Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed at all times at meeting and elections.
Section 7 – All correspondence must be signed by the President and one other member of the Executive Committee before mailing.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1 – There shall be a minimum of ten (10) meetings scheduled from July 1 through June 30. These dates will be set by the Executive Committee.
Section 2 – Each official must attend a minimum of six (6) regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 3 – The Secretary will maintain a Roster of Attendance and those not meeting the requirement of Section 2 will be submitted to the Executive Committee for punitive action (see ARTICLE VII).
Section 4 – an annual “INTERPRETATION MEETING” shall be held between October 20 and November 30. The Annual "INTERPRETATION MEETING” is required attendance for all members. This meeting does not apply for Section 2. Failure to attend will fall under Section 3.
Section 5 – When the operation of Section 2 or Section 4 would impose an undue hardship on any individual, the provision thereof may be set aside for than individual by specific action of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE VII – Discipline of Members
Section 1 – Grounds for discipline:
For failure to comply with established authority or regulation of the Chapter or delinquency in payment of authorized charges, fines, penalties, or assessments or for any other conduct conclusively established to be contrary to the best interests of officiating, a member may be fined, placed on probation, or suspended from the Chapter for not more than one year, or may be expelled through the actions of the Executive Committee.
Section 2 – Right of Hearing
A member charged with any violation shall be notified in writing by the Executive Committee. Said member shall have the right to be heard in person or by written statement made by him/her own defense. Such right shall be afforded prior to the imposition of any fine, penalty, or any other disciplinary action and, thereupon, a member may request a personal said violation. Following such hearing, or in the absence of a request for such hearing, the Executive Committee shall make a determination and shall notify said member of its determination in writing.
Section 3 – Appeal:
A member may appeal the determination of the Executive Committee to the Officers by giving the Officers written notice of such an appeal within seven (7) days of receipt of the determination. The Executive Committee and the Officers may then decide the matter on the facts and determination previously made, or by asking the member to personally appear.
Section 4 – Discipline Notice:
When a member is suspended or expelled, and if said member’s appeal is denied, the Executive Committee shall notify all concerned in writing that such member is no longer able to accept assignments or officiate as a member of this Chapter.
Section 1 – Each member of the Chapter shall have one vote on all questions and the vote of the majority present shall prevail in all matters. (Excluding Article 9 Section 3). There will be no proxies.
Section 2 – Provided a quorum (one half plus one) is present for the purpose of conducting business, a majority shall be one vote more than one-half of the number of members present.
Section 3 – Honorary members of this organization shall be exempt from all fees but shall have full voting privileges. They may also hold office.
ARTICLE IX- Amendments:
Section 1 – Amendments to the Constitution of this organization must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee
Section 2 – If, and when, approved by the Executive Committee, the proposed Amendment will be read at three (3) consecutive membership meetings and at the third will be voted upon by the membership.
Section 3 – A two-thirds (2/3rd) vote in favor of the Amendment is necessary for adoption, provided that a quorum is present.
ARTICLE X – Application
Section 1 – Application for membership shall be made in writing to the President of the Chapter.
Section 2 – The Membership Committee shall approve all applications and upon written agreement to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of this Chapter, Membership shall be granted under Article III.
Article XI – Committees:
Section 1 – Standing Committees, shall include, but not limited to the following:
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